Happy Thursday fruits and labors, here's an update and a treat,

So I have the rest of the missing Anti-Valentine's books arriving today, so I will be shipping out the rest of the packages today, as well as anyone waiting on replacements for the collateral damage of the UPS and USPS sabotage,

After that, I have collected the pledges and surveys so I shall be sending out the Digital Rewards this weekend and ordering up the next round of Zeldara books and posters from the printer,

So there you go, and now to fill up your feed with some demon seed.

Coming up in our coffee table book series, we will be doing a collection of SLAVE LEIA PIECES with a brand new cover by your man Jose Varese and possibly a Holofoil or Strip Poker Variant or two or three,

So while I love my Holochromes, I wanted to try something different before I committed to it as a cover design, and as I always have my team of Brazilian mercenaries working on all sorts of perverted calamitous concoctions, I saw a Youtube video about the disappearance of Rey Skywalker and Daisy Ridley since the atrocity of the Sequel Trilogy ended and Darth Holdo aka Kathleen Kennedy announced new movies from the Reyology,

So I was inspired, at first I wanted to do a Slave Leia Rey but Jose opted to do a SITH SLAVE LEIA w FROZEN VADER for the cover -- so I can't go against the Beast,

So I commissioned my man Iago, and he didn't pick up the translation right,

And a new cover is born,

Sending up the BAIT & SWITCH DARK REY that was teased in the desperate Darth Jar Jar Abrams movie trailer disguised as a Star Wars movie, I decided to bust out a FARO 1868 Variant Cover,

Mature and Dressed Versions as always, and featuring a SOFT TOUCH MATTE LAMINATE (SUEDE FEEL) COVER,  this baby has just been added to the MAIN & ADD-ON Sections,

$33 for the Cloaked -- $37 for the UNCLOAKED -- $77 gets you the COMBO with the POSTERS,

Happy Hunting, you Jedi Scum,




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