I don't know why I even act shocked anymore, maybe because I was feeling good about the world getting back to normal, and thinking there's no way someone would drop out of a commission in progress just a few days before the end of a campaign,

Guess again mother fucker,

Nothing pisses me off more then when someone drops out of a piece last minute,

You ask why Faro, surely you can flip that commission, but then you don't understand OCD,

When I put a commission in motion and put a price on it, then set a bar that either raises or lowers the price of the next commission,

Meanwhile, sale or no sale, that bitch is getting drawn,

When someone drops out on me, it sets off a chain reaction, and being that I'm a former criminal and current addict to all things pleasant and wonderful, I first now have to discount the commission down bc it has to be relisted, which of course fucks up my number values,

Then I have to go online and find a lady of the evening and some blunt wraps so I can fully satisfy my anger and temper so I don't jump on a fucking plane or drive a rental to the fuckin doorstep of the disrespectful cocksucker who fucked up all my zen,

So in conclusion, if you can't make the commitment, don't pledge for the commission,

This is a business, and I am that psychopath that will show up to your workplace and disrupt your finances so you can what it's like to drop out,

Of course I can just charge him to pay for the hooker, 

Or I can just hang out with my bulldog,

So you see, there are several ways to channel one's anger, but since I'm not staying up till 5 fuckin am to set lineups for Korean Baseball, this asshole squatter just inspired my next big crazy art project,

It's called Draft Kings -- Thurstday Knights

Stay Tuned, and thanks for letting me vent my anger,

HARLEY & IVY -- GOTHAM ROAD TRIP COMMISSION is discounted down to $325,

See you at the finish line,




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