Well my friends, it's my 43rd birthday today, and I celebrated by stepping in a pile of Baby's Taco Bell Surprise, which oddly enough, still looks exactly like Taco Bell still in the wrapper,

Anyway, THE UTAH BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED, and after a proper birthday celebration -- I'll get them all packed and shipped out this wknd,

I will have the IOWA BOOKS finished tonight and off to the printer, so there shall be a Storm of Sue following the delivery of all that Jubilee,

Now on to new business and the next Kickstarter, we are heading off to Massachusetts for some Witches and Judges,

Here is this month's featured Slave Leia Steel Bikini Baby, MOSCOW's LOVELIEST MUNCHIE -- MAGIK

Available in the 12 x 18 variety, or perhaps you would like life size -- I'm currently working on the specs,

Till then, grab the books and help me move to the top floor of the new Society Building in Downtown Fort Lauderdale,

See you there True Believers,




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