Happy Tuesday my friends, due to the suckiness of one Desmond Ridder, I lost 3 teams right on the cusp of the next round of the $1.5 Million Dollar Best Ball Tournament,

Ugh, fantasy football has destroyed my ability to enjoy watching primetime football, I'm literally a grown man cursing at commercials, and loving every minute of it,

Chasing a million, ugh, what can I say, it inspires good writing and even better excessive guilt from blowing money on vice to cure ones sorrows,

However, two of my 23 teams did make it to dreaded next round, so Week 16 will determine whether or not my last two teams make it to the final round -- ugh,

I've never been a bigger fan of the Buccaneers, Bengals and Ravens then I am now.  Last year, I got just one team into Round 2 -- so now my efforts have increased my chances by double, so hopefully the football Gods will be sleeping in next Sunday and forget to fuck me over :)

So while I wallow, here's the updated colors for this month's Kickstarter Poster Print Combo, 

First up, World of Warcraft Chopper, featuring Lady Liandra and Sylvanna

After that, the first of 3 Slave Leia Steel Bikini Dazzler Pieces, along with a Carbonite Frozen Longshot,

Happy Hunting,




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