Happy Saturday to all friends, foes and fucks,

UFC's latest scam, I  mean PPV is about to kickoff, and I've been combing through bad podcasts all day while trying to figure out what that itch is in my crack,

Since I'm preoccupied, you may as well enjoy the latest sketches from the pencils of Emil Cabaltierra,

As always you can start your own Sue Storm magic on the new Faro Kickstarter,


We dive head long into the pages of Action Comics 17 without delay, as Superman dives into the ocean to save a flaming vessel,

And by flaming vessel, I don't mean Neil Patrick Harris, sorry I don't mean to shit on Doogie, back to the Action,

So the vessel CLARION is in the middle of a massive storm, and several passengers are starting to panic, except for Jack and Rose of course, they are having an ill fated romance,

So Superman first fights the flames and then realizes he's fuckin Superman so he jumps in the water and drags the Clarion to shore,

Investigating the busted ship the next day as Clark Kent, he discovers the fire on the ship was sabotage, and that someone is shaking down the owner of the cruise,

And a nice long trail of broken thugs and smashed walls leads to the perpetrator of these shakedowns,


Fuck me, Lex Luthor Lite has lived, and he won't rest until someone comes up with a better plot,

Superman makes a dive for Ultra, and its just a Hologram,

And to be continued,

So what did we get out of this issue,

Very simple, another vessel to add to our world,


As for Ultra, I'm hoping we get more depth to his character, rather than his constant anger aimed at Superman and Supes in turn fucks up his plans and bam more anger,

Until next time friends, check out all the new shirts and kicks at the old store, you may just find your next guilty purchase,



Sue Storm as a mermaid for King Namor

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