Happy Humps you humps.  While the writing may have been shit, Star Wars really does have their version of big boobs and a great ass in Darth Vader, because every time he is on the damn screen you stop giving a shit about the rest of the show.

Enjoy the Kenobi season finale, I have shipped out most of the Louisiana Books and Posters, have another load or two to go, pending on whether the local postal carriers lynch me,

So I have had two backer packages default with Original Art, so these two babies are back on the market and listed on the Kickstarter, 

I may have even ordered a new Black Cover Commission on Sale called PAC-MAN & THE WASP :)

I am learning about WhatNot auctions so I'm looking forward to getting involved in that once I get back from Colombia :)------------------------------

See you on the other side, especially any and all who will be down in Bogota this weekend.




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