I just got back from Brazil and it was wonderful,

I hired a new artist right out of the valley and have him working on a Slave Leia Harley Frozen Joker piece as we speak,

I saved my 3 CCXP Badges featuring characters from THE BOYS and I got three Sketchbook Volumes from my new Brazilian Artist -- all that shall be up for grabs after this update,

FARO 1868 was finished last night --so I'm just waiting to collect the rest of the surveys so I can start the print order -- so fill out your damn surveys or I'm selling your shit to liberals with your names on the shipping labels :)

As for new business, we have a new Kickstarter going, and we are taking another trip along Faro's American Safari -- this time we go to Texas, where I once had to stop to resurrect my soul in the heart of Big D Cowboy Country,

Stay Tuned True Believers,




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