Happy Monday my friends, I won my first tournament of the new year -- a cool 5Gs, so if you ever want to doubt my Lineup making Madness, kiss my YouTubes :)

But on to real business, I have been packaging and shipping like crazy, so all Zeldara 3 and Minnesota Blondes packages should be reaching your claws this week,

Let me know they arrive safe and craving brains,

As for the Football and Colorado Campaigns, each have one piece left to color and they are off to the printer, I will update the Cosplay Cover Colors Tmw, they are Scoobie-Riffic,

And on to new business,

Time for another Kickstarter, we finished out Zeldara 3, so it's time for Zeldara 4 -- but this shit is too intense to just be called four,

That's why it's called ZELDARA 1984 --

Happy Shopping,




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