The Second Wave of Books and Posters have gone out -- I'll be putting out the 3rd wave once the UPS guy quits trying to bombard me with urine filled water balloons,

Didn't these dudes just get a massive raise, :)

So as I ship I just got the Inks Update for the second poster this month GODZILLA Vs GALACTUS,

The Original Art has Sold for this baby, but the Strip Poker piece is still up for grabs,

And speaking of Original Art, the longtime squatter who usually drops out towards the end of the campaign, dropped early than expected on one of my new blanks IRON MAIDEN HARLEY, so that baby is back on the market,

And, it turns out one of the blanks I ordered last month, the backer defaulted on the pledge and never sent me a Paypal, so POP ART HARLEY is back on the market,

Happy Hunting

And in final news, on the advice of Master Jose Varese, I have finally joined the WhatNot Community, 

I'm hoping to start doing shows once a week, or whenever I'm broke and need some of those Presidential Portraits,

Here's the link to my new WhatNot channel, hope to see you on there and follow me here,



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