Happy Hump Day you humps -- I'm off for two cons this wknd, but no before finishing up the packaging and shipping for the rest of the Sui-Cycle 2 books, 

I have one more load of Anti-Valentines Books to go, and the Zeldara 7s have started shipping from Arizona, and the Yakuza Jessicas are on the way to me for Jose Varese to sign and drape his balls across,

I'm off to Calgary in a few hours for the Calgary Expo, plus I intend on delivering a catalog over to one of my bucket list addresses, The HART FAMILY MANSION in Calgary, even if the family doesn't live there anymore, I have to make a delivery to it,

From there its off to Vegas to Awesome Con, so if any of you happen to be at either of those shows, look for the dude with the ponytail and lightly colored open hoodie, and I'll buy you a pint,

Until then, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's MARGE,

Happy Shopping,




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