Superhero Strip Poker Championship 1 -- Program Poster Combo
All Faro's Lounge Books & Posters now ship from my new shipping hub out of The Painted Dessert in Arizona -- Please allow two weeks for delivery -- tracking will be provided once the order ships,
We started the naughty Superhero Strip Poker series originally as art commissions, and as usual the fan response was so huge we had to beg the backers who bought them to let us use them as posters, provided they were properly sedated and seduced with the promise of riches and immortality.
Survive the daily crunch of reality with a little indulgence in a Faro's Lounge Superhero Playmate Poker Championship Game -- where we collect the matches in the tournament all the way down to our winner -- Emma Frost, who is featured in the second part of this Combo as a 11 x 17 Strip Poker Champion Centerfold!
Cover and Poster Art by Jose Varese featuring the Championship Poker Round of Emma Frost, Vampirella & Harley -- along with the Superhero Strip Poker Champion.