It's that time again, time where I gamble on the whims and wants of your imagination, coupled with the desire to keep Jose Varese drawing the extension of my mind until he is overcome by the fact that a human male can see that part of a woman so closely,

Eh, long story, happy ending, well for me at least, not sure about the hooker, but are we really concerned once the art has started being painted,

Well speaking of love gone wrong, as you all know, the Anti-Valentine's Art Book serve to be the opposite of all of our others, as in we only focus the stories on the failures, and not the casual ah shucks I have to go home and jerk off stories, these are the ones where the law gets involved, and often limbs are either broken or misused,

Now before I go and contemplate how many grown men participated in an XFL Year Long draft and not stop laughing while I plan my first trip out to Pensacola Comic Con, take a look at the DOUBLE COVERS 

This theme brings us the mad military as our victims of love and our star -- MISS JESSICA RABBIT is going into a full on GI JOE -- SCARLET SIBERIAN WIDOW REMIX -- with BLACK & WHITE HEART VARIANTS featuring her victims -- SNAKE EYES & STORM SHADOW,

Happy shopping my friends, and I look forward to humiliating myself with this month's featured story,

Click away and fall out of love alongside me,



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