Evening folks, if anyone has any good fantasy tips, please send them along this way, because that damn opening game kicked my ass back into the angry poor house,

But ya'll know damn well that I will right back up on Sunday with my dick in my hand ready to lose more money on DraftKings,

But until then, enjoy these gems from the commissions bank, of course both babies have been SOLD, but as always I'm always working on new Jessica Rabbit commissions, and I may have added two more to the till to any and all salivating for more Rabbit,

1 -- GREY RABBIT - 92 Vintage -- Jessica Rabbit done in the 1992 X-Men Animated Series as Jean Grey with a Cyclops-Roger

2 -- RED RABBIT - 91 Vintage -- Jessica Rabbit done in the 1991 Batman The Animated Series as Poison Ivy with a Roger Robin

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, and pick up a copy of the latest entry into Faro's American Safari -- New York mofos,




Jessica Rabbit as Mara Jade

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