Happy Sunday my friends, so here is the first sketch for the LADY CHARGER Vs MASTER CHIEF DIANA Cover for the Faro's Fantasy Football Fable Week 2

So Jose hasn't added the armor yet, and I know your next question is "FARO, what's the point of the bare sketch before he adds the armor, if you're not going to show us the goods???"

Well, my fine feathered fucks, I did happen to "accidentally" put the UNCENSORED SKETCH up on the Kickstarter.  Go check it out before Kickstarter makes me take it down :)

And as for COVER 1 -- BILLS Vs RAMS -- Let's just say I may have had to call an audible on the design after an enjoyable conversation about the sketch,

All I will say to you right now is BUFFALO BILL & SILENCE of THE RAMS :)

Finally, next month we are going to be celebrating some Happy Harley Days 2 -- So some posters from the gallery will be getting retired,

The Last of the Stash will be SIGNED by Master Jose Varese and will have a Mystery Poster on the back,

Available in the ADD-ON Section -- Happy Shopping,




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