Now that the Idaho Kickstarter has ended, I'll start getting a head count and the IDAHO and SLAVE LEIA 2 Books will be Printed and Shipped at the same time,
I sent out Slave Leia Digitals this week, so let me know if any of you have any problems downloading and I'll send naked pictures of my 4th grade teacher instead.
So with old business not even cold yet, Kickstarter wasted no time in approving my next book for Feb, so let's open up the hatch and get moving on the newbies,
It's time for ANTI-VALENTINES 6 -- which will have a very special Mickey firing SNO-WHITE -- KING JOFFREY STYLE!!!!
But Jose is prepping for MegaCon this week so the cover isn't finished yet, so we shall be showing off the latest addition to the KISS KISS BANG BANG Series -- The Street Fighter Edition -- starring CHUN-LI & CAMMIE,
As always, three there are, CLASSIC, BIKINI, & BARE!!!!
Happy Hunting,