I'm staring at a bulldog at the lounge right now, and it's wonderful,

I love seeing life going on in front of me, around me, even if I am welling up at the sight,

She has a face just like mine, and she's doing tricks with her mother, who lets me play with her and pet her,

She's staring back at me now, letting me know it's ok,

It's amazing the kind of guilt we feel when attempting to move on,

We get tattoos, make commitments to get new friends, try new things, travel to new places, but eventually, we have to back up those claims, and things around us change so drastically, sometimes for good, sometimes for better,

I can kick just about anyone's ass that calls me a pussy, and yet I can still well up at the thought of the best friend I ever had, and yet I feel myself moving on every day, acknowledging my friend every time I talk to the sky, knowing full well that my own madness is enough to warrant that she's listening up above, from the doggy heaven base on the moon,

I love what I do for a living, I write from a lounge, on a comfortable couch for as many hours a day as I like,

I take on a professor // surrogate father to lord knows how many lost souls, a chance to still be a teacher without dealing with all the fuckin administrators,

Occasionally, one of the hot ones decides to fuck me in between bad boyfriend choices,

Point is, I do all this and I'm still a classified loser, and I might end all this from the same asylum I am writing this comic book from,

But it doesn't matter,

I am in love with life, I am trying to beat a massive cannabis addiction because it makes me write the kind of sick shit I want to build for real, and then another adventure comes along and I keep telling  myself I'm doing something right,

But in order to keep this train rolling I need you, the other 23% is out there in cyberland, and this story is too much damn fun to end on the last issue, 

That being said, check out the latest commission from the mad man of Manila, we're calling this one,


Get your own piece of magic, and go get me the other 23%, storm their houses, storm their beds, storm their mancaves and their stashes and their treehouses,

Until we meet again in the Shadowlands,





Zelda in the Savage Land

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