Tis but the stroke of Midnight, and if you're cursing at Robinhood's IPO today, then you're not alone,

But alas, I shall hold, because I just started my Robinhood Account, and I'm trying out that DOGS OF THE DOW Strategy that I read about way back in Maxim Magazine #1 in 1997, the one with the Drew Carey Chick on the Cover,

Anyway, I was whipping through my app and went into the rewards section, where they laid out this whole referral program where you and whoever you get to sign up gets a free stock, 

And since I'm trying to learn about incentives, that gave me an idea, involving stocks and a certain piece of Original Art,

So pay attention,

Here is the link to my Robinhood account, if you sign up, we both get a free share of stock, anywhere from a piece of shit to a piece of Apple, and I can keep getting referral stocks all the way to $500


So my challenge is this, for those of you interested in signing up, I will ADD AN EXTRA BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE FROM THE STORE to your current purchase or package, a chance to pick up a missing piece of your collection, or double up for a friend,

Once I hit $500 in free stock, they cut off the referral rewards, so once they cut me off, whichever random referral pick gets me the highest stock will win THE ORIGINAL JOSE VARESE 11 x 17 MATURE COVER ART for the Rubias Doradas Blondes Cover Collection,

I look forward to seeing these puppies go to a good home, and maybe we both get our hands on the next sliver of Amazon,




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