You've always known me to be a contrarian person, both in my obsession with fantasy sports and my never ending need to be fuckin different,

So while the whole friggin hypnotized world preps for their Black Fridays and Holiday Stress, your man Faro is planning for a trip down to Brazil next week to go into the CCXP show (the South American Comic Con) and recruit me a new team of badass artists to take over the non AI controlled world :)

So in order to do that I have concocted the first ever WHITE WEDNESDAY SALE!!!!
50 for 50 -- here are the details,
So I have 100 books saved into my secret stash --- and here's how we're gonna rock it out
I have 50 Holochrome Books and 50 Books of various LTDs and Collections SIGNED by JOSE VARESE!!!
Each package on the White Wednesday Sale comes with a SIGNED BOOK & HOLOCHROME BOOK -- First Come 1st Choice -- here are the inventory breakdowns
4 Steel Bikini Bettie Page Covered -- LTD 50 -- Signed by Varese
9 Nude Bettie Page -- LTD 100 -- Signed by Varese
3 California Slave Leia Bettie Page -- Signed by Varese
7 Lingerie Bettie Page -- Signed by Varese
7 Barbenheimer LTD 150 -- Signed by Varese
20 Nuclear Barbie LTD 100 -- Signed by Varese
And for my Secret Stash of Holochromes -- there are TWO CHOICES
25 Holochrome -- Vivid Sydney Books -- DAZZLER DRONE DRAGON COVER
25 Holochrome -- Supergirl Tattoo -- Pixi Runner Holo Variant
Melvin Emerson said:
Mr. Kane, l placed an order in your awesome White Wednesday Sale. I would love to have the Bettie Page Lingerie along with the Supergirl Tattoo Holochrome! How will we know which choice we got? Will you email us? Keep up the great work!
November 01, 2024