Happy Thursday my friends, I am about to load off on a culinary tour of New England, but I am hap...
She- Hulk dons the Imperially Immortal Slave Leia Steel Bikini in order the first Centerfold in F...
Happy Thursday my friends, I started my fantasy baseball strong before eating dick this second we...
The Nebraska and Anti-Valentine's Books have arrived from the printer -- so after posting this pi...
Happy Humps, here's the sketches for the She-Hulk, who will be our first CENTERFOLD inserted into...
Happy St Patties Day, while I hide in my perch avoiding the inevitable parades of drunken doucheb...
Nebraska and Anti-Valentine's 4 are at the printer and shall be in my hands and then yours within...
Happy whatever day it is, sometimes I feel like temporal displacement is a necessary disorder for...
Happy Friday my friends, here is the finished Inks for the Maneater Cover, our Mainstream Anti-Va...
Happy Thursday my friends, here is the update for the Maneater Island Anti-Valentine's 4 Cover, I...