Looks like the fuckin squatters have struck again, but with all the current chaos going on in Texas, this isn't a problem one can bitch and complain about, instead I'll direct my anger between a hookers buttcheeks,

But unless someone buys this baby back on the market, guess it will have to be a discount hooker :0

I hope she takes Groupon,

Master Varese is packing out and shipping all of the Bride Books this weekend, and he has done up the inks for the Sexy version of the Knullified He-Man Cover, which will be available at Cool Comics & Collectibles out of Fertile Myrtle Beach,

I of course will be carrying the Mature Version, which will be Teela covered in some of that yummy Venomized Symbiotic Fudge, perhaps coming off of He-Man's SWORD, Hmmm

Until Happy Friday and to all squatters, Right Here Pal,




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